School days were whole lot of fun. I dunno where this all suddenly dropped into but I want to discuss that part first before I discuss our 2015.
People used to look at me and scold the bloody system which is making life so much tough for us. Yes, I am talking about the overloaded bags. I kinda was always irritated when people used to do that. Why don't they make one e-notepad cum reader for me when they pity so much on me. That was seriously unacceptable.
April 27, 2008: I forgot all those days but someone ignited it all back.
July 7, 2015:
The Class: The class bell rings. The big screen is turned on and here we continue with Newton's Second Law animations. Blah Blah happens, children download the content to their janter devices and class is over now.
The Test: The master janter is turned on. Everybody's janters' content and networking except with master is locked. And the test is passed to poor kids. They fill them with their handwriting (most of them are ugly ones, I bet). The time is over and all the tests are submitted in the next millisecond. The janters are again unlocked and the parents receive a mail of what their prides have done.